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The Penguin Foundation aspires to develop meaningful, mutually beneficial partnerships and work with potential partners to tailor a range of unique benefits.

Business Partnerships

Business partnerships play an important role in supporting our work to protect and enhance Phillip Island’s natural environment and its native wildlife.

We aspire to develop meaningful, mutually beneficial partnerships with organisations who share our conservation values. Partner contributions are acknowledged with a range of unique benefits designed to directly connect our partners with the heart of our work and we are delighted to discuss tailored benefits for major support.

View our Business Partnerships Program here.

Partners may wish to

Support our overall work

An unrestricted donation allows the Penguin Foundation to distribute these funds to priority conservation work.

Support a specific project

With conservation, education and wildlife rescue programs and projects that protect Phillip Island’s native wildlife and their habitats, you can choose to support a specific project with clear conservation outcomes. Project themes vary depending on conservation priorities and can include protecting little penguin habitat, saving Australian fur seals from marine debris entanglements or saving threatened species.

Partnership Benefits

Partnerships support the protection and enhancement of Phillip Island’s natural environment and native wildlife. Partner benefit packages are designed to engage your staff and clients, showcase what your support has achieved and build your brand reputation and credibility.

Priority Projects

The priority projects featured in the Penguin Foundation Conservation Prospectus span several key themes, from protecting our marine and coastal environment, future-proofing penguin health, rewilding the Island’s flora and saving threatened species from extinction and form part of the Phillip Island Nature Parks 5-Year Conservation Plan 2019-2023 under its 30-Year Conservation Vision. They are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030 and serve as a universal framework to foster global collaboration to solve the world’s most challenging tasks in sustainability.

We invite you to become a partner in one of these exciting initiatives and join us in protecting Phillip Island’s remarkable biodiversity today and into the future.

View our Penguin Foundation Conservation Prospectus here.

Previous Partners

Bank of Melbourne was a major partner of the Penguin Foundation.

Bank of Melbourne provided ongoing funding and support for little penguin research on Phillip Island. Most recently, Bank of Melbourne has supported a new little penguin weighbridge on the Summerland Peninsula. The 'Bank of Melbourne Penguin Weighbridge' allows Phillip Island Nature Parks scientists to study little penguin feeding patterns at sea, providing valuable health information for their conservation today and into the future. Learn more and watch the film here!

Other ways to support

If you are not able to make a financial commitment, you can donate in-kind goods or services instead.

These are things we would otherwise need to purchase on commercial terms, so receiving in-kind donations means we are able to direct an even greater percentage of the financial donations we receive towards research and wildlife protection programs.

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