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Penguin breeding season update

After an early start to the breeding season poor conditions have led to a drop in the number of breeding burrows across the colony.

Currently most breeding burrows have chicks, with some adults still sitting on eggs. We have already had chicks fledge, with some penguin parents already on their second clutch.

Over the last couple of weeks food appears to have been harder to come by for our little penguins, with adults spending longer out at sea and returning with less food for their chicks. This has resulted in a number of failed breeding attempts, meaning that dead and starving chicks are likely to be seen in the colony. Although this can be confronting, ups and downs throughout and between seasons are normal, and only the best parents will succeed under these challenging circumstances.

A similar dip in conditions occurred last season, with the penguins making up for failed first attempts with more successful second clutches. We hope to see an improvement in conditions and some more successful breeding attempts going forward.

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