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Species - Short-tailed Shearwater - Penguin Foundation - Phillip Island

Love Phillip Island (Millowl) - Give Back This Summer

Future Proofing Little Penguin project

The Future-Proofing Little Penguins project aims to build the resilience of the world's largest little penguin colony and other wildlife on the Summerland Peninsula against heatwave and bushfire events by undertaking habitat modifications creating cooler and less flammable environments.
The project helps to redress the negative impacts of historic land management practices that have degraded the quality of habitat and address the future impacts of climate change on wildlife and habitat.

To make a donation click here.


Every donation makes a difference to the work of the Penguin Foundation. It will help support little penguins by expanding their homes on land and building resilience towards climate change impacts.

Your donation will be contributing to the following conservation activities:
1. Installing a series of green firebreaks across the Peninsula that, unlike traditional bare-earth firebreaks, shall be revegetated with indigenous, low growing, non-woody herbaceous, fire-retardant plant species that will serve to slow the spread and minimise the impact of bushfire on the Peninsula (in the event of fire breaking out in the future) as well as providing habitat for wildlife.
2. Establishing more indigenous trees, shrubs and groundcovers in key areas improving the quality and diversity of habitat for penguins and other species, and importantly providing larger areas of shade and shelter and generally cooler habitat.

This is a 3-year project (2022- 2025) managed by Phillip Island Nature Parks, funded by Victoria Government (Emergency Management Victoria Risk and Resilience Grant), the Penguin Foundation, NAB Community Grant, Phillip Island Nature Parks (in-kind funding) and involves partnership with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation.

Drive for Vic

How much would you like to donate?

Minimum amount: A$10.00
Illustration of a penguin


How do I gift an adoption?

Simply select the species you would like to adopt and make sure to tick the 'is this a gift?' option. If you would like your gift to be sent to your gift recipient, please tick that option in the form, otherwise, the gift will be sent to your email address.

Is my adoption tax deductible?

The Penguin Foundation holds a Deductible Gift Recipient status and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.

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